Business Sweden created the Best Practice Guide in 2019 with the aim of introducing Swedish expertise within the areas of district heating production, distribution and consumption
The desire to create an efficient community has in Sweden resulted in the integration of different
functions and that household waste produces bio-gas and remaining combustible waste is used as fuel
in waste-to-energy combined Heat & Power Plants. The waste heat from that process is used for District
Heating and via absorption chillers District Cooling is produced. Compression Heat Pumps are using
treated sewage water to produce both District Heating & District Cooling and the sewage treatment plant
produces bio-gas. The bio-gas is then used in buses and taxis in the cities. Sweden has large forest areas
and the waste from forest industry and from the forest is used in bio-mass fired boilers and Combined
Heat & Power Plants to produce Electricity and District Heating. As a result of the “System Approach”
Sweden is toady a world leader in efficient Energy utilisation.
Please find the link to download the full report below >>