International: District Heating & Cooling – Quick insights for the U.S. market

The U.S. market is complicated due its large size and the amount of local regulations and policies on a state level. Business Sweden was assigned by the Swedish Energy Agency to conduct a prestudy for the district energy market to identify geographies in the U.S. of priority.

Opportunities in the U.S.

The U.S. was one of the first countries to introduce district heating technology, and current policies do not directly promote district energy technologies but might prove to support their uptake. As a complicated market, certain states show more potential than others. In this report, Business Sweden has conducted a high-level analysis in prioritising states with the most potential. The study was carried out for the Swedish Energy Agency as a first step to identify the opportunities in the market for Swedish companies.

Please find the link to download the 2019 report to the right –>

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