All the presentations from the one-day seminar "From Pilot to Reality: Sustainable Heating and Cooling by Sweden" on the 4th of June in Gothenburg are now available to the right.
We would like to thank all the participants for filling the day with interesting and joyful discussions around innovation and export!
All the presentations from the day are now available for download to the right –>
Welcome to the kick-off for Celsius Innovation Cluster and Sustainable Heating & Cooling by Sweden, where we will gather Swedish actors in heating and cooling who want to take the step out into Europe and the world.
Date: 4 June 2019, 09.30 – 16:00
Location: Göteborg Energi, Johan Willins Gata 3, Gothenburg, Sweden
Organisers: Swedish Energy Agency, Celsius Initiative, Business Sweden and Sweheat & Cooling
Registration: Registration is now closed
The meeting will act both as a start-up for the innovation cluster Celsius Sverigenod and as the re-launch of the Swedish Energy Agency’s program for export promotion within sustainable heating and cooling. The latter has previously focused on the United Kingdom under the name Heat Networks. We have now broadened the scope to more markets and with a wider inclusion of heating and cooling technologies, such as district cooling and heat pumps.
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