The heating network of Grand Reims, currently supplying 17,000 housing equivalents, will invest in an incinerator for treated and recovered wood waste, which will help increase the network’s level of renewable energies from 60% to 90% • A new heating network fueled by biomass has been inaugurated in Meaux which will help supply 359 housing units with heat • The city of Tarn has wood energy in mind as it is developing a heating network with the help of a biomass heating central • Read more about the developments in sustainable heating and cooling in this month's news update from France
The heating network of Grand Reims, currently supplying 17,000 housing equivalents, will invest in an incinerator for treated and recovered wood waste. The installation will help increase the network’s level of renewable energies from 60 to 90 %, lower the prices for subscribers (in collaboration with their concessionaire Soccram – local subsidiary of Engie) and reduce CO2 emissions by 75%. The 25 MW wood boiler will be delivered in February and put into service in October of 2022. The investment will cost a total of 19.4 MEUR: 8.97 MEUR financed by ADEME and Regional EU funds.
Waste heat will be prioritized in the network where 45% of the wood will be sources locally from the valorization center Remival. 10% (type-A wood) will be collected within an area of 100km, 35% (type-B wood) will be sourced from within 150km, and the remainder 9% (gas) and 1% (domestic fuels) will only be used in case of a breakdown.
Read more in article by La Gazette
Read more in article by Bioénergie
Read more in article by l’Hebdo du Vendredi
The county energy union SDESM (Syndicat départemental des énergies de Seine-et-Marne) has inaugurated a new heating network and a biomass boiler which will help supply 359 housing units or similar (offices, social housing, a college, and a gymnasium). To complement the network, two gas-operated boilers have been installed in the case of malfunctions. A device was also installed to lower the heat in the energy-intensive gymnasium. The network will reduce CO2 emissions by 876 tons per year, and the goal is to reach a renewable energy level of min. 65%.
The municipality also counts on an economic impact – the network will help reduce their (and their subscribers) energy bills by 40% in comparison with heating by gas. It will also provide them with a greater price stability. The project received 480,000 EUR in financial support from ADEME (30% of the cost of the works), as well as regional support.
Read more in article by Préfet de Seine-et-Marne
Read more in article by La Marne
The city is planning on developing a heating network supplied by wood energy, which will help heat the main public buildings such as the City Hall, the schools, the swimming pool, Cultural Youth centers, and a hospital. The goal is to offer under-ground heating and hot water with the help of a main biomass heating central (supplied exclusively by local chips and shredded wood), substations in the buildings served, and a network of pipes.
The project, managed by Trifyl, will cost an estimated 5.2 MEUR, 50% of which will be supported by the State (ADEME) and the Occitanie Region. It will help avoid 2,500 tons of CO2 per year and make use of local biomass resources.
Read more in article by Trifyl
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