France news update August 2023

DHC networks in three Parisian suburbs to expand by 2025 • Ademe launches a call for proposals for solar thermal plants • District heating network in Parisian suburb is gaining ground • Read more about the developments in sustainable heating and cooling in this month's news update from France

Sipperec and Engie to expand DHC network in three Parisian networks by 2025

Sipperec and Engie Solutions, via its subsidiary YGéo, operate district heating networks in Parisian suburbs Rosny-sous-Bois, Noisy-le-Sec and Montreuil. The networks have been in service since 2016 and is supplied through geothermal energy.  

The parties have signed a new amendment to the public service delegation agreement, confirming a substantial expansion of the current network. The extension will encompass more than 3 300 additional housing equivalents in the three Seine-Saint-Denis municipalities supplied by the network, including 2844 in Noisy-le-Sec, 308 in Rosny-sous-Bois and 154 in Montreuil. 

In addition to housing, the town of Noisy-le-Sec has decided to connect municipal buildings to the geothermal heating network. As a result, the town hall, media library and four schools will be connected to the network. 

While being spearheaded by Sipperec and Engie’s YGéo, the project is also set to receive financial support from the Île-de-France Region; the region has vowed €1.6 million for the project, and a subsidy application is underway at the French Agency for Ecological Transition, Ademe. 

The project is forecasted to have a capacity to deliver 116 GWh of heat to customers by 2025, which can be compared to the 70 GWh delivered in 2021. While the current scope concerns about 3 300 new housing equivalents, the ambition is to eventually connect yet more buildings. In the long term, the ambition is to connect up to 12 000 equivalent housing units to the network, implying substantial investments in the network coming up.  

July 2023, the community council of Caen-la-Mer (Calvados) voted to set up a Société d’économie mixte à opération unique or SemOp, (an institutionalized public-private partnership typically established for a dedicated mission), to develop the Caen Nord district heating network. In concrete terms, the network is to be extended by almost 70 kilometres by 2030. 

The network extension will require increased efforts on the supply side and a feasibility study has projected that the extended network will require a heat generation capacity of 270 GWh. Marc Lecerf, vice-president in charge of energy in Caen-la-Mer, expresses that 235 GWh of the added capacity will come from renewable and recovered energy. 

The project will require substantial investments on the network-infrastructure side and the council has expressed that there will be a demand for 206 heat-exchange substations along with pipework to La Pierre-Heuzé, the Clémenceau district, and Le Chemin-Vert. 

Read more in news article from Mes Infos

French agency Ademe launches a call for proposals for solar thermal plants supplying DHC networks 

Since 2009, the French government has entrusted Ademe with funds to increase the share of renewable and recovered heat in France’s energy mix, with an emphasis on the development of district heating networks. Solar thermal energy has been raised as a potential solution for heat generation and Ademe is now launching a call for proposals to construct solar thermal plants that could supply DHC networks. 

The Narbonne solar thermal power plant is an example of a project that has previously benefited from Ademe’s heat fund. Following the project, a solar thermal park complements the hybrid gas/biomass plant in supplying Narbonne’s district heating network.  

The current call for proposals targets public and private project owners in the housing, industry, agri-food and tertiary sectors. Eligible beneficiaries are all public and private project owners, with the exception of private individuals. Applications must be submitted by 3 pm on 15 October 2023. 

Read more in news article from Révolution Énergétique

Read more in news article from Révolution Énergétique

Read more in news article from Révolution Énergétique

Read more at Ademe’s webpage

The district heating network in Parisian suburb Cergy-Pontoise is gaining ground 

Since taking over the public service delegation contract in 2019, the energy provider Cenergy has initiated an investment plan for the district heating network in Parisian suburb Cergy-Pontoise amounting to a total of €111 million. Cenergy is a subsidiary of the Coriance group, which has been in the spotlight in recent months for an acquisition by La Caisse des Dépôts and Vauban Infrastructures Partners. 

Over the coming years, the equivalent of 36 700 homes will be connected the network, including parts of the Bethunes business park. Residential areas that will be encompassed by the network extensions include both existing buildings and new construction projects in the Marjobert district and the Doux épis district. Les Echos has also confirmed that Dassault Aviation has committed to connecting their new 50 000 square meter aviation industrial site to the network. 

Read more in news article from Les Echos

Read more at Cergny Pontoise’s webpage

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